Friday, 30 May 2008

Final Jungle Animation

I have finished animating and Jono is really happ with the outcome of the animation and so am I

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Run Jump and Swing Final

I was animating the rope swing on every frame and that is why it was very fast. I slowed down the animation and also put more emphasis into the secondary animation of the rope which helped to add effect to the swing, and so I am really happy with how the end part of the animation has turned out

Run Jump and Swing

This is the second part of the animation, now the timing of the rope swing is off and needs a bit more tweaking. I feel that it is really comming together though. I am making good time also with the deadline for the animation which is 2m

Jungle animation pt3

This is the run with part of the swinging in the cave. I am glad it is looking good with the timing

jumping on the rope test

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Jungle animation pt2

This is the run cycle with the correct timing with the rocks falling down!

Jungle animation pt1

Hada meeting with Jono's group who are doing the Aztec Jungle animation, they asked me to help them do a scne where theor explorer is running through the scene dodging the rocks and then swinging on the rope to the other side, so this is the run cycle I did today. The deadline is for 2days time os there will be a lot required in a short amount of time

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Waltz Finished!!!

This is what I have sent aminata, that is scene 7 finished

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Waltz Animation Pt 2

The progress I have made has been a massive one! I have really got to grips with the waltz itself and have finished the basis for the dance. Little things like the heads and the hands and ginetees skirt is something I am going to tackle but overall I am pleased with the animation

Friday, 23 May 2008

Waltz Animation Pt 1

I have made a lot of progress today and 2m! I will be trying to add part of the waltz if not all of it 2m! We need this aniamtion finished quite quickly so it is another tight deadline but I enjoy the challenge

Waltz research

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Last part of Scene 2 Pt5

I have changed the arms swing and I am really happy with it now

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Last part of Scene 2 Pt4

There has been something about this scene that really been bugging me. Aminata said she liked it now that Marcel does not look around again but I realised that his arms are not in sync with his legs. The opposite arms should swing in comparison with the legs. I am going to change that

Last part of Scene 2 Pt3

Aminata has got back to m and said to make marcel not look around again as he has already looked back at the granny once before in the last cut of the scene which is a good suggestion. This will break the animation up and not make it look so repetative. This is what I have done now with Marcel not looking round again

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Last part of Scene 2 Pt2

I have animated Marcel walking to the balcony and opening it and I have sent it to Aminata, so I am waiting for some feedback. The secondary animation was quite difficult this time as when he turns his head his big ears were going through his body, so I had to spend a lot of time making sure that didnt happen but at the same still making the ears look convincing

Friday, 16 May 2008

Last part of Scene 2 Pt1

The last part of this scene is when Marcel opens the balcony door and walks and sits on the balcony. It is going to be a similar animation to the last part although because his nose is so big I am going to have to animate his face pointing in the opppsite direction when opening the door. Doing this though I feel adds to the character of marcel, in terms of he knows his features are not in proportion but he has certain ways of doing things which are unique to Marcel

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

marcel walking to the balcony sad FINAL

I have touched up the animation a bit since the last one! I have added more secondary animation and a nicer swing in the arms and hips

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Marcel walking to the balcony sad

This is quite a short scene with the camera cut, so I tried to makme sure that you get a real sense of sadness from marcel as he walks to the balcony. I have added secondary animation to the ears and have drooped his head to give a sense of sadness

I have sent it to Aminata to see what she thinks

Monday, 12 May 2008

Ginette Sad in Chair

This is the animation for ginette sad in the chair just before she turns around and see's marcel juggling trying to make her happy

This is the whole next scene put together and the animation of ginette really helps compliment marcel

Sunday, 11 May 2008

juggling animation pt 2

I have made marcel more expressive in the animation now. I am happy with the juggle and I am now going to add ginettes animation to the scene. Overall the juggle has been quite tricky getting the timing right to fit the timing of the scene before the camera cuts. Marcels nose extrudes quite a distance away from his face which has made his posing for the juggle rather difficult. I looked at many different styles of juggle and am happy with the outcome.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

juggling animation pt 1

This is my juggling animation but the grandma isnt in the animation yet because I want to focus on the juggling and then animate the grandmas reaction to it. I think I am going to try and show more in marcel the fact that he wants to please ginette and make her happy

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Marcel Walking In Scene 2 contd

After much thought I liked the timing of the walk I just thought that some of the character was taken out of marcel so I added a little bounce back into his walk and I am very pleased with the outcome of it now, so now I can start animating the juggling scene which is next

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Marcel Walking In Scene 2

I have got rid of the bounce and Im happy with how it looks now

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Aminata saw this animation and thought there was a bit too much bounce to the animation. I kind of agree with her and will be toning the bounce down a tad....

Marcel Walking in Playblasts

Friday, 2 May 2008

Juggling Research

I have got scene 2 to animate now and the hardest part of this scene I think will be to animate the dog juggle!!! So I am researching different styles and timing.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Lighting Tests

This test is with a point light, using final gather! I have given the shadows a dark grey colour, and in the camera setting I have used a light blue colour for the background and in the mental ray settings ive switched on raytracing shadows

Above I have swicthed the light from a point light to an ambient light. Its a lot softer but possibly too dark maybe

This is with the point light and as you can see the grannys face is far too bright which is why I much prefer the ambient light instead